Retaining your partners

Retain your referral partners forever

March 08, 20233 min read

“The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.” - Warren Buffett


Are you a mortgage loan professional struggling to retain your referral partners? You're not alone! Retaining your realtors forever is a vital part of growing your real estate business. Referral partners are a great source of business and can help you reach new clients. However, keeping them happy and satisfied is key to ensuring that they refer you to their clients time and time again. In this post, we'll explore the exact retention strategy you need to provide your referral partners to keep them happy and referring you business!

Key #1: Get FAST Results

The first key to retaining your realtors is to get fast results. You need to find out what your agent could benefit from early on. Ask them questions and listen to their needs. Are they looking for more leads? Do they need help converting leads? Understanding their needs is crucial to building a strong relationship.

Another way to keep your agents happy is to ask for their dead-lead list. These are leads that the agent has previously worked with but couldn't convert. By taking these leads off their hands and working to convert them yourself, you can show the agent that you're invested in their success.

Finally, you can put your agents in a drip campaign and host Zooms to provide them with support. Keep in touch regularly and offer guidance on how to improve their business. By providing value to your agents, you'll be more likely to retain them in the long term.

Key #2: Retention Automation

The second key to retaining your realtors is to use retention automation for effective communication. Workflows can help you stay organized and ensure that you're providing your agents with the information they need. You can use workflows to educate your agents via Google My Business (GMB) and provide them with unique weekly email updates.

Education is important for your agents' success, and workflows can help you ensure that they're getting the information they need. By providing value to your agents on a regular basis, you'll be more likely to retain them as referral partners.

Key #3: Delegate to Scale

The final key to retaining your realtors is to delegate the process to a virtual assistant. As your business grows, it can be challenging to keep up with the demands of retaining your referral partners. By delegating tasks like newsletters, blog posts, and social media posts to a virtual assistant, you can ensure that you're providing your agents with the support they need without sacrificing your own time.

Don't forget, follow up is also crucial to retaining your referral partners. You can use templates to follow up with your agents and ensure that they're receiving the support they need. By automating the follow-up process, you can ensure that you're staying in touch with your agents without sacrificing your own time.

In conclusion, retaining your realtors forever is a vital part of growing your real estate business. By providing your referral partners with the support they need, you can ensure that they're happy and referring you business. Use the three keys outlined in this post to keep your agents happy, communicate effectively, and scale your business with the help of a virtual assistant.

Other resources to help you get started growing your referral network

referral partnersgetting business from real estate agentsestablish referral partnershipsreferralsreferrals from RealtorsRealtor PartnershipsPartnerships with Realtors
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